Fall Leagues

Changes for 2023 Leagues

Thank you all for a great 2022 season! We are looking forward to an even better 2023. Last year, one of the most common complaints about leagues was the long lines during check-in. We agree this was an issue. We spoke to several local golf courses to learn what worked for them. The vast majority of courses require payment before league play begins. This greatly improved the check-in process for both the golfers and the course. We are adapting our league payments to a prepayment for the 2023 season. League play rate is $25.00 per week times the number of weeks scheduled. Most leagues are 18 – 20 weeks. Many begin to play during the week starting Sunday, April 16th.

The goal is to be able to play each week as scheduled. However, if the course is unplayable due to weather conditions, the first option will be to add a week onto the end of the season or to work with the league administrators to have the play made up another way. If a league is not able to make up a missed week, we will reimburse each golfer the $25 cost of that week. If someone has an emergency, they can make up that night’s league play for no extra charge. No league makeups on Saturday or Sunday from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm. League makeups on these days will incur an additional fee.

We look forward to seeing you all this spring. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tommy at tommycombs@linksatbowenlake.com

League signup is available at the bottom of this page.

Fall 2023 Leagues

Monday Mixed Scramble League

  • Two-person teams. You and a partner will be paired up with another couple to play a 4-person scramble.
  • Shotgun start at 5:00 PM.
  • 6 weeks long.
  • League starts September 11th and will end on October 16th.
  • $25 green fee per week includes green fees and cart.
  • $35 per person league fee to join (includes end-of-year banquet and prize money).
  • Register Today!

Thursday Men Scramble League

  • Two-man teams. You and a partner will be paired up with another couple to play a 4-person scramble.
  • Shotgun start at 5:00 PM.
  • 6 weeks long.
  • League starts September 7th and will end on October 12th
  • $25 green fee per week includes green fees and cart.
  • $35 per person league fee to join (includes end-of-year banquet and prize money).
  • Register Today!